Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ah the joys of journalism

So my weekend was crazy. I had a group of young ladies all lined up as sources for that prom piece. They had agreed to allow me to travel with them to prom, to interview them extensively, all that jazz that's supposed to happen. But then they backed out. At the last minute. I got phone calls from their parents. A nightmare, basically.

So, after a little panic, I found another group of sources. My story took off in a completly different direction. In journalism, as in life, I suppose, you have to stay flexible. But its not easy working on other people's schedules. Still, I spent nearly 12 hours with this nwe group of girls, from their hair appointments, to dinner, to prom, to the after party. Then I wrote the story because the deadline was the next day. My best, most polished piece of writing? Definitely not. A fun time and a great exercise in the joys of journalism. You betcha.

1 comment:

Windsor said...

Bad deal huh? That must have made for quite a stressful fiasco. So the parents called you at the last minute and said what? “Our children don’t want you accompanying them to their prom, even after they said they did.” Anyway, I am glad that you got your story.
What were some of the things about this story that really made it fun for you? It must have been fun to see how teenagers were acting during prom and remembering what it was like for you, four years ago. I can imagine that it was much different looking at prom from a journalistic point of view had to have been much different compared from a excited high school student point of view.