Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hi. I'm Lauren.

Firstly, let me say how incredibly excited I am to be doing an independent study with Marin and with this class. Its been four years since I took this class the first time and I was so different then. It's been a long journey towards and through writing but I finally feel like I am coming into my own as a journalist. So, let me tell you about me....

I am a senior English major who has completed the trajectory of courses to earn an "emphasis in journalism," this being the capstone class. I also completed an immersion journalism SIP for which I lived in an Amish community for five weeks and then wrote a series of feature articles. I write for the Kalamazoo Gazette and serve as the Features editor for The Index. I also work at the writing center. So, I can be a resource to you, if you need me. I can be available outside of class time to go over your work or to discuss the readings or whatever. Just let me know.